Allison Knott MS, RD

Allison Knott

Born and raised in the South, Allison Knott is still emerging from the culture shock of her move to Boston. She became a registered dietitian in 2008 and received an M.S. in Nutrition Communication at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in 2012. She is passionate about bringing accurate nutrition information to the public and isn't shy about sharing her view of nutrition and food. Check out her blog at

Want to Improve Your Overall Health?

Then make good living easy to do, or like 88 percent of Americans, you just won’t do it.


How to Avoid Sneaky Added Sugars

Put down the granola bar and back away from the yogurt.


Should You Go Gluten-Free?

If you’re like the majority of the population, then no.

Chocolate Cake for Breakfast?

Dessert at Breakfast: Good or Bad for Weight Loss?

You can have your cake – but only as part of a balanced, low-calorie diet, too.


Fried Food: Still Bad for You

Don’t believe the headlines to the contrary.


Not All Nutritionists Are Created Equal

Be Healthy Boston dished out some great wellness advice, but kind of missed the mark on nutrition.


Trans Fats 101

Where nasty trans fats are hiding, and how to avoid them.


Time to Soup Up That Diet

Hot soups make for one of the healthiest comfort foods around.


Five Ways to Revive Your Resolution

What to do when that New Year’s health resolution is failing … in January.


How Many Minutes of Jogging is That Soda Worth?

And would you really want to drink it if you knew?


A Holiday Eating Guide You Can Actually Use

Would you really bring a baggie of carrots to a party? I didn’t think so.


Does Snacking Hinder Weight Loss?

If you’re not careful, then most definitely.


Can We Estimate Calories with a Photograph?

No matter how great the idea sounds, the answer’s still no.

City Life

Soda and Teen Violence

There are a lot of reasons to limit soda consumption — but violence prevention isn’t one of them.