Chris Sweeney

Chris Sweeney, Senior Editor at Boston Magazine

Chris Sweeney is a senior editor at Boston magazine.

Arts & Entertainment

The Ethical Conundrum of The Martian

We should’ve let Matt Damon’s character die.

City Life

Why Are Wild Turkeys Such A-Holes?

Seriously, what’s their problem?

City Life

The Guide: Wintertime Parking

How to survive the snow onslaught without losing your cool.

City Life

Snowmojis We’d Like to See

A few symbols we’ll definitely need this month.

City Life

Space Savers by the Neighborhood

Our suggested parking-spot furnishings this winter.

City Life

MIT Finds a Massive Galaxy Cluster

Just 10 billion light years away!

White coat

Should Doctors Ditch Their White Coats?

They’re kinda gross.

Arts & Entertainment

There’s a Pirate Museum Coming to Cape Cod

Bust out your Jolly Rogers.

City Life

State Agencies Investigated Tom Brady’s TB12

But took no action.


Q&A: Urologist Robert Hartman on the First U.S. Penis Transplant

Everything you wanted to know and more.


Heroin Overdoses Surge in Middlesex County

It’s been a record-setting year.


New HBO Documentary Examines Cape Cod Heroin Crisis

It’s directed by Academy Award winner Steven Okazaki.


MIT Is Developing a ‘Social-Robot Companion’ for Kids

Beat it, R2-D2.

City Life

How MIT’S Divestment Protesters Spent Thanksgiving

That’s one way to spend turkey day.



Can KJ Seung change how the world treats tuberculosis?