James Burnett

An extended version of our interview with the Cape Wind president.

jim gordon

Top of Mind: Jim Gordon

Cape Wind president, Cape Cod vacationer, clean-energy pioneer, provocateur, 56, Boston.

Top of Mind: Catherine D’Amato

Greater Boston Food Bank CEO, full-plate advocate, stealth power-broker, Fenway chanteuse, age 53, Brighton.

An extended version of our interview with the WBZ anchor and adoption advocate.

Top of Mind: Jack Williams

Anchorman, adoption advocate, penny pincher, smart aleck, age 65, Weston.

An extended version of our interview with the Harvard Pilgrim CEO and potential Republican gubernatorial candidate.

Top of Mind: Charlie Baker

Harvard Pilgrim CEO, healthcare reform pot-stirrer, Great Massachusetts Republican Hope, 52, Swampscott.

An extended version of our interview with the former state representative and founder of the South End Technology Center.

Top of Mind: Mel King

Crusader, Educator, Ex-legislator, Neighborhood Stalwart, Technology Buff, Age 80, South End.

Top of Mind: Mike Barnicle

Journalist, Long-Distance Commuter, Father of Seven, Survivor, Age 65, Lincoln.

Editor's Letter: June 2007

Editor's Letter: June 2007

Editor's Letter: June 2007

Editor's Letter: June 2007

Editor's Letter March

Conversation Starters

Editor's Letter March

Conversation Starters

James Mitchell draws 500 sophisticates to his bashes at the Ritz. But his guests don’t know the whole story behind Boston’s unlikely party king.