Jenni Whalen

Jenni Whalen is the summer 2013 Hub Health intern. She is a graduate student studying journalism at Boston University. Originally from Seattle, Jenni teaches high school and college-level journalism and communication courses at BU. She's been published on, USA Today College, AZ Central Healthy Living, Huff Post College, and When she's not writing or teaching, you can find Jenni cooking, running, or checking out the coolest new fitness classes in Boston.


Men Who Perform Shift Work at Risk for Prostate Cancer

A new study links a higher risk of prostate cancer with working the night shift.


Roundup: ‘Pick Your Own’ Farms

There’s still time to get summer produce, plus there’s apples and pumpkins come Fall.


Researchers Make Anesthetics From Algae

Boston Children’s Hospital is trying to revolutionize post-surgical pain management.


Heart Procedure Keeps Former U.S Team Rower on the Water

And even at 51, he can’t wait for his next race.


Dana-Farber Creates New App For Cancer Patients

The ‘Ask the Nutritionist’ app is filled with advice and recipes for fighting cancer.


Roundup: Local Spinning Studios

These studios are completely dedicated to one thing: indoor cycling.


Q&A: Fitness Instructor Ali Baldassare

If you’ve taken a fitness class in Boston recently, she’s probably already kicked your butt.


Indoor Climbing Gyms Get Fancy

The new Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville will have a barber shop and a yoga studio.


10 Healthy Zucchini Recipes

Try one of these variations on the classic summer vegetable.


Gastric Bypass Surgery And Type 2 Diabetes

A new study looks at the declining numbers of type 2 diabetes after gastric bypass surgery.


The Fight Against Mobile Apps for Babies

This Boston-based advocacy group is targeting Fisher-Price and Open Solutions, citing fishy marketing tactics.


Q&A: Hip Hop Yogi Cara Gilman

Gilman teaches themed hip-hop yoga classes like ‘H to the Asana’ featuring all Jay Z songs.


Boston Children’s Hospital is on a Dental Health Mission

The dental initiative is working to reduce childhood tooth decay.


Roundup: Local Bootcamp Classes

Sweat, lose weight, get in shape, and enjoy the nice weather at one of these classes.


MGH Researchers Grew An Artificial Human Ear

The study’s author says this is an important step for future transplant efforts.