Jenni Whalen

Jenni Whalen is the summer 2013 Hub Health intern. She is a graduate student studying journalism at Boston University. Originally from Seattle, Jenni teaches high school and college-level journalism and communication courses at BU. She's been published on, USA Today College, AZ Central Healthy Living, Huff Post College, and When she's not writing or teaching, you can find Jenni cooking, running, or checking out the coolest new fitness classes in Boston.


A Blood Test for Autism?

A Lexington company finds a method for early diagnosis.


Men Fake It, Too

A Boston doctor’s new book debunks male sexual health myths.


Cancer Cells Use An ‘Ancient Survival Strategy’

Researchers at MIT studying cancer cells’ survival mechanisms.


MIT Researchers Link X Chromosomes to Sperm Production

The X chromosome may not be as ‘female’ as we thought.


Ask the Expert: How to Treat and Prevent Side Cramps

A sports medicine doctor explains why we get side cramps while running.


From A Brookline Living Room To National Television

This personal trainer’s company is now worth millions.


The Best Weight Loss Incentive Ever

Dubai’s residents will receive grams of gold for every four pounds they loose.


Local Colleges Make ‘Healthiest Colleges in America’ List

BU, UMass Amherst, and Tufts are in the top 25.


Ask The Expert: Running Unplugged

Why running without your music may be better for you.


Study Looks at Conception After Cancer

Researchers discovered that two-thirds of survivors had become pregnant after a year or more of trying.


HackFit: The Healthiest Hackathon Ever

Workout while you build a company at Cambridge’s first HackFit event.


Massachusetts Is First State to Use New HIV Test

The new test means earlier detection and lower rates of transmission.


Roundup: Day Hikes

Get out of the city and clear your head on one of these day hikes.


Free Meal Delivery Program for Breast Cancer Patients

Magnolia Meals at Home is providing free, nutritious meals.


Growing Bones with Synthetic Clay

Broken bones may soon be a thing of the past.