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Spencer Buell

Staff Writer at Boston Magazine

Spencer Buell is a staff writer for Boston, covering news, politics, technology, the T, legal weed, french fries, bears, Brady, and beer. He used to be a news reporter for Metro Boston and the Arlington Advocate.

City Life

Ring’s Neighborhood Watch Feature Is Bringing Out the Worst in Boston

A home-security app promises to keep its users “safe and informed.” Instead, it’s turning us all into bad neighbors.


Nine Passengers at Logan Airport Were Screened for Coronavirus, but It’s All Good

They were screened “out of an abundance of caution,” Massport says.

City Life

Who Will Save Us from the TikTok Teens?

Ah great, they’re starting electrical socket fires with their phone chargers for clout now.

City Life

Another Promising Student Has Been Kicked Out by Customs in Boston

Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein, the 24-year-old Iranian Northeastern undergrad detained at Logan Airport, has already been sent back.

City Life

Guess It Wasn’t Illegal When Kirk Minihane Duped Joe Curtatone with a Fake Interview

A judge has thrown out a lawsuit the Somerville mayor filed against the Barstool personality.

City Life

14 Things We’d Do with Those Vintage MBTA Cars if Someone Bought Them for Us

The possibilities are endless.

City Life

Do Not Come Between Lydia Edwards and the Red Sox World Series Trophy

She says L.A. can pry it “from our cold, dead hands.”

City Life

Reports of a Man with a Gun Triggered a Shelter in Place in Harvard Square

The suspect was in custody in a matter of minutes, police say.

City Life

A Hot Mic Confirms It: Sanders and Warren Are Still Fighting

Well, there you have it.

City Life

Seriously, What Did Bernie and Warren Say to One Another after the Debate?

Video of their post-debate chat is worth a thousand questions.

Arts & Entertainment

Why There’s a Giant Egyptian Statue on City Hall Plaza

The 25-foot-tall figure is turning heads this week.

City Life

Things Are Looking Bleak for Alex Cora

The Astros are facing a severe punishment for sign-stealing in 2017, and it’s all downhill from here.

City Life

Michelle Carter’s Texting Suicide Case Went All the Way to the Supreme Court. Now It’s Over

The court decided against taking up the texting suicide case.


An Adorable (and Now Mega-Viral) Sleeping Beauty Proposal in Brookline Has Set the Bar Impossibly High

Can you top this Disney-themed stunt at the Coolidge Corner Theater? No. No, you cannot.

City Life

Thousands of Kids Have Tried to Get into the Encore with Fake IDs

It’s a constant battle to keep underage gamblers off the floor, officials say.