Steve Calechman


City Life

Why Doesn’t Connecticut Ever Really Feel Like Part of New England?

Maybe because it’s kinda not?

City Life

Confessions of a Former No-Earbuds-at-the-Gym Guy

For years, I championed the gym as a sanctuary of strange camaraderie and awkward small talk. But after finally trying headphones, I wondered: Could 30 minutes of musical solitude be civilization’s salvation rather than its downfall?

City Life

Can I Get Mad If a Neighbor Throws Snow on My Lawn?

Welcome to “The Salty Cod,” a monthly advice column on navigating uniquely New England dilemmas.

City Life

A Grilled Cheese Mystery: My Search for a Simple Sandwich

Innovation can be great. Just keep it out of my kid’s white bread.

Arts & Entertainment

Why I’m Ready to Break Up With Summer

School’s out, but fun is definitely not in. Why I’m done with every kid’s favorite season of the year.

City Life

What Does My Garage Say About Me?

What’s hidden behind that sliding door tells a lot about the kind of person who lives there. So what does my car-less cement room say about me?

City Life

How to Be a Real New Englander? Complain.

I don’t like skiing, local sports teams, duck boots, or plaid. But I do love to gripe. Maybe that’s enough to call myself a Yankee?

City Life

Why Are So Many Wild Turkeys on the Loose in Massachusetts?

Once nearly extinct, the birds today are everywhere, strutting around town like they run the place—and not just on Thanksgiving. It’s time to talk…well, you know.

City Life

The Untenable Misery of Shoe Shopping for New England Weather

Buying footwear for Massachusetts’ unpredictable weather is about as fun as a broken leg. Bring back local shoe stores!

City Life

It’s Officially Time to Revamp Massachusetts’ State Symbols

If we’re gonna have them, let’s make them count!

City Life

Boston Deserves Better than Fenway Park. Sorry Not Sorry.

Yes, America’s oldest ballpark is historic. But if we’re going to love everything from 1912, why don’t we also celebrate child labor, ice delivery, and smallpox?

City Life

To Jeep, or Not to Jeep, That is the Question

Forget good mileage and a smooth ride—it’s all about the cool. Right?

City Life

Hold Your Horses

Turns out, there are still road signs that restrict equine excursions on Massachusetts’ highways. The question is: How did they get there in the first place?

City Life

The Mascot Who Wouldn’t Disappear

Team sports icons are supposed to bring spirit and pride to the school community. But not in my town.

City Life

Oodles and Oodles of Doodles

How Boston is leaning into the latest designer dog—and what it says about all of us.