Best of Boston
General Media/Politics
- Best "What Have You Done for Me Lately" Award
- Best (Non-) Cliffhanger
- Best Backstab
- Best Campaign Donor
- Best Chance for Jane Swift to Be Re-Elected
- Best Claude Raines Impersonation
- Best Columnist, Business
- Best Columnist, New
- Best Columnist, Political
- Best Comeback
- Best Delusions of Grandeur
- Best Drive-By Shooting of a Boston Institution
- Best Evidence, That Tribalism Is Alive and Well
- Best Export
- Best Friend of Joe Moakley After He Died Even Though Joe Couldn't Stand Him When He Was Alive
- Best Front Page Correction
- Best Gifts, Baby
- Best Heir to Joe Moakley
- Best Impersonation of The National Enquirer
- Best King Lear Moment
- Best Media Criticism
- Best Media Criticism, Worst
- Best Media Retirement Home
- Best Most Impact on National Politics
- Best Most Overrated Exclusive
- Best Newspaper, Most Overpriced
- Best Political Lesson
- Best Promise Least Likely to be Fulfilled
- Best Quote
- Best Quote, from an FBI Agent
- Best Radio, Talk Show Host, Internet
- Best Reason to Keep Extradition to Canada
- Best Reporter, Transportation
- Best Robert De Niro Impersonation Not Done by Paul Cellucci
- Best Sign John Kerry Will Run for President
- Best Slam of an Unemployed Talk Show Host
- Best Story
- Best Temp Job
- Best Use of Private Funds
- Best Use of Public Funds Since the Big Dig