Best of Boston

Best Bartender

2006 Best Bartender

Jason Lomberg, Plaza III

Attentive and charming, Lomberg plies his trade in the tourist-infested depths of Faneuil Hall Marketplace, where he's developed an admirable tolerance for onerous drink orders. [...] read more»
2005 Best Bartender

Lee Jennings, Union Bar and Grille

A bartender's primary pursuits are a flawless cocktail mixed with speed and accuracy, and sensational service graciously delivered. Jennings has mastered both. Part bartender, part [...] read more»
2004 Best Bartender

Shawn Ahern, Union Bar and Grille

Quick with the drink recommendation and the flourished bottle, Shawn Ahern is a professional in a trade too full of aspirant talk-show hosts. He pours [...] read more»
2003 Best Bartender

Greg Griffin, Saint

There are some who believe that a bartender should be neither seen nor heard—that he or she should be a pair of hands floating mimelike [...] read more»
2002 Best Bartender

K.C. Cargill, Chez Henri

At first glance, Cargill has the right résumé: He started at Cheers. Of course, he was only parking cars. Now behind the bar at a [...] read more»
2001 Best Bartender

Joe McGuirk, B-Side Lounge

McGuirk is a throwback to a time when cocktails were made without a measuring cup, lighting a lady's cigarette was cool, and bow-tied bartenders had [...] read more»
2000 Best Bartender, Drinks

Joe McGuirk, B-Side Lounge

The B-Side Lounge has the feel of a real neighborhood establishment, but ever since Joe was written up in Details magazine as a great bartender, [...] read more»
1999 Best Bartender, Beer and Wine

Suzi Dobeli, Bukowski Tavern

Suzi doesn't mix drinks, because Bukowski is a wine and beer bar only—albeit with one of the selections this side of Brighton. But she has [...] read more»
1999 Best Bartender, Cocktails

Peter Cipriani, 29 Newbury

Sure, the only requirement for a good bartender is that he's quick with a drink. For a great bartender, stir in some personality. But to [...] read more»
1994 Best Bartender

Joe Zimmerman at Joe’s American Bar & Grill

Quick, courteous, friendly, and professional, Zimmerman is head and shoulders (literally and figuratively) above the rest. His supporting cast is better than most, too. read more»