Best of Boston
Best Health Food
Open Sesame Macrobiotic Restaurant
From hummus to vegetarian lasagna to sushi and noodles. read more»
1983 Best Health Food
Seventh Inn Restaurant
Moved out of Park Square, but still quality all the way. read more»
1982 Best Health Food
Seventh Inn
Serving chicken now, too. Great couscous. But why won't they open for lunch? read more»
1980 Best Health Food, Restaurant
Seventh Inn
Favorite eating place of performers, from Celtics players to Combat Zone strippers. read more»
1979 Best Health Food, Junk Food
Nectar Pies
Nectar Pies, the class version of Eskimo Pies, available for fifty-nine cents at health-food stores far and wide (try the General Nutrition Center, 361 Boylston [...] read more»