Best of Boston

Best Men's Clothing

2004 Best Men's Clothing, South

Bo Line

If casual men's clothes can look smart just as easily as they can look dumpy, why not go for smart? That's the question eloquently posed [...] read more»
2004 Best Men's Clothing, North


Giblees may not look like much from vantage of Route 114, but behind its inconspicuous storefront is an international array of the finest men's suits [...] read more»
2004 Best Men's Clothing, Cape Cod


This easy-to-shop, designer-packed store is proof of how far metrosexuality has taken men's dressing. There are Dolce & Gabbana bathing trunks and jeans, funky DSquared2 [...] read more»
2003 Best Men's Clothing, Sophisticated

Ermenegildo Zegna

Expensive Italian clothing, like rare Italian wines and beautiful Italian women, can seem intimidating to men who don't speak the language. But even men unfamiliar [...] read more»
2003 Best Men's Clothing, Casual

Allston Beat

American men count on their counterparts in the Mother Country, Great Britain, to do two things: support the White House's military policies and show the [...] read more»
2003 Best Men's Clothing, West

Mr. Sid

A mecca for fashionable men, Mr. Sid is all about relaxed-but-refined dressing (and buying). In the Fireside Room, for instance, clients can sit back with [...] read more»
2003 Best Men's Clothing, South

Natale’s of Hanover

Natale Agostino reminds his customers that clothes off the rack are a curiously American phenomenon. And he should know. Natale spent 11 years as a [...] read more»
2003 Best Men's Clothing, North

Giblee’s Fine Men’s Clothing

In an area where the men's clothing selection has traditionally tended toward golf shirts and whale pants, Giblee's is a welcome departure. Italian merino wool [...] read more»
2002 Best Men's Clothing, Sophisticated

Ermenegildo Zegna

Don't let those ill-dressed goombas on The Sopranos fool you: Nobody knows stylish sophistications like the Italians. The Napoli Couture collection at Ermenegildo Zegna is [...] read more»
2002 Best Men's Clothing, Casual

Louis Boston

Here is where to head when you want to dress like the models in Esquire and GQ. Doing so ain't cheap, mind you, but the [...] read more»