Best of Boston
Best Performance, Dance
1987 Best Performance, Classical
Klaus Tennstedt
Klaus Tennstedt leading the BSO through Dvorak's Symphony no. 9, From the New World. read more»
1987 Best Performance, Comeback
Greg Allman
He's off drugs; he's off booze. The Allman we saw was all music. read more»
1987 Best Performance, Club
Eric Clapton
Twenty years later, Clapton is still la creme de la Cream. read more»
1987 Best Performance, Jazz
Ornette Coleman
Ornette Coleman blowing his way from the stage at the Channel to the outer limits. And back. read more»
1987 Best Performance, Park
Milton Nacimiento
Brazilian singer and guitarist Milton Nacimiento's sizzling Boston performance. Bravo! read more»
1987 Best Performance, Pop
Peter Gabriel at the Centrum
He literally put himself in the hands of his fans, who passed his body around the audience and returned him to the stage just in [...] read more»
1986 Best Performance, Dance, Touring
The Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet’s <em>Sleeping Beauty</em>
A great pageant and a memorable production. Honorable mention to the Central Ballet of China, a humble troupe that knocked critics nationwide out of the [...] read more»
1985 Best Performance, Television
Celtics M. L. Carr, Danny Ainge, and assistant coach Chris Ford in that ADAP commercial. Who dressed Ainge, anyway? read more»