Best of Boston
Best Performance, Dance
1983 Best Performance, Classical Dance
The Boston Ballet’s First Spring Concert at the Colonial Theater
An impressive performance of the late George Balanchine's Concerto Barocco. read more»
1983 Best Performance, Modern Dance
Felicia McCarren and David Vanderburgh in Lisa McMahon's Two and One at Radcliffe. Simply moving. read more»
1982 Best Performance, Television
Celtics guard M. L. Carr, who started the season off strong, flattened, did next to zilch in the playoffs, and—in final the game against the [...] read more»
1982 Best Performance, Clutch
Alberto Salazar in the Marathon
Clinically dead, and he still wins. read more»
1982 Best Performance, Street
Brother Blue
Just don't ask him to recite the lines form Lear. read more»
1982 Best Performance, Theatrical
<em>Children of a Lesser God</em>, at the Colonial Theater
Never has silence seemed so golden. read more»
1982 Best Performance, Rock
J. Geils Band
Like Lazarus, they've risen from the dead to become godlike. read more»
1982 Best Performance, Musical
Joey Silverstein, concertmaster of the BSO. He's like Yastrzemski, or Havlicek; he does it all well. read more»