Best of Boston

Best Pet Sitting

2009 Best Pet Sitting

The Urban K9

A wag-worthy alternative to the city's many well-intentioned but hospital-like kennels, the Urban K9 is based in a Roslindale home that owners Karen Donoghue and [...] read more»
2007 Best Pet Sitting

The DogScoop

Call it whatever you want—the Puppy Palace, the Kitty Kastle—no euphemism will ever fool pets into believing a kennel is as good as their own [...] read more»
2006 Best Pet Sitting

DoggieDay Pet Service

Whether you need your ferret cuddled or your cat walked, DoggieDay's caretakers are up to the challenge. You can trust them to watch and feed [...] read more»
1994 Best Pet Sitting

Boston Pet Sitters

Owner Jennifer North has earned the undying love of her charges by accommodating their emotional needs as well as their fondness for particular hydrants. Anxious [...] read more»