Best of Boston

Best Pickup Bar

2006 Best Pickup Bar

Vox Populi

In this den of preppy testosterone, the open floor plan encourages circulating (the better to scope prospects), the pop soundtrack doesn't drown out conversation (the [...] read more»
2005 Best Pickup Bar

Gypsy Bar

A constant stream of stylish singles flows through the doors of Gypsy Bar on weekends, where they entertain themselves before the eye-catching glow of the [...] read more»
2004 Best Pickup Bar

Silvertone Bar & Grill

Being single has its perks; getting hit on in a sweaty bar on a Friday night is not necessarily one of them. But before you [...] read more»
2003 Best Pickup Bar

Harvard Gardens

A bit loungey, a tad yuppie, Harvard Gardens is an ideal place to meet your dress-casual mate. The bar is crowded from Wednesday to Saturday, [...] read more»
2002 Best Pickup Bar


Fiery martinis, seductive lighting, chef Jamie Mammano's Mediterranean flavors, alluring bartenders—whatever drarws them there, the beautiful people who sidle up to Mistral's long, intimate bar [...] read more»
2001 Best Pickup Bar

Vox Populi

It's easy to strike up a conversation over a crantini (cranberry vodka, Cointreau, fresh lime, and cranberry juice) as you push through the well-heeled crowd [...] read more»
1991 Best Pickup Bar

The Cactus Club

Dead-animal skulls on the walls and designer jeans and miniskirts on the clientele make this the great yuppie roundup. read more»
1989 Best Pickup Bar

The bar at Turner Fisheries

Locals, foreigns, and domestics—a smorgasboard. read more»