Best of Boston
Best Reporter
Joe Battenfield
The Herald's Joe Battenfield, for embarrassing Peter Blute over a boat trip, Jane Swift over a helicopter ride, and Dusty Rhodes over a drunk-driving arrest. read more»
1999 Best Reporter, Print
Cosmo Macer Jr., <em>Boston Herald</em>
An old-fashioned newshound with a tattoo of two Colt 45s on his forearm and a penchant for chewing tobacco in the newsroom, Macero has been [...] read more»
1997 Best Reporter, New
Kate Zernike
Boston Globe reporter. She is putting some tabloid zip into the old broadsheet—no mean feat, considering her main turf is the normally staid education beat. read more»
1995 Best Reporter, Cops
Sean Flynn
His crime coverage at the Herald is gutsier than the rest. read more»
1994 Best Reporter, Sports
A tie between the <em>Herald</em>‘s Karen Guregian and the <em>Globe</em>‘s Jackie MacMullan
Two women who have excelled in a world once dominated by legions of cynical and sarcastic men. read more»
1994 Best Reporter
Charles Sennott
Charles Sennott arrived in town from the New York Daily News and, after less than a year at the Globe, has the reputation of a [...] read more»
1994 Best Reporter, Business
Stephen Kurkijan
Stephen Kurkijan's reporting on financial genius Mark Ferber and his interconnection business arrangements in the netherworld of bonds. read more»
1989 Best Reporter, Political, Television
David Boeri, Channel 2
"He didn't let go of 75 State Street until he heard bone crunch," said one admiring panelist. read more»
1989 Best Reporter, Political, Print
Thomas Oliphant, <em>Boston Globe</em>
"For being able to stay two steps ahead of the pack—while having one foot in the tank," said one panelist. read more»
1989 Best Reporter, Radio and TV
Dan Rea, Channel 4
Yes, his interview with Dan Quayle was a paradigm of powder-puffery. No matter. He's still one of the few TV reporters who break stores instead [...] read more»
1989 Best Reporter, Print
Michelle Caruso, <em>Boston Herald</em>
Inheritor of Brian Mooney's mantle as the town's most tenacious investigator, Caruso was the first to begin unraveling the Mary Beth Lenane story, and was [...] read more»