Best of Boston
Best Steakhouse
2011 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
Let the newcomers show off their newfangled steakhouse specialties; people who really love steak will always return to Boston's exemplar of the genre. Here you'll [...] read more»
2011 Best Steakhouse
Scrap all the formulas for what makes a great steakhouse (clubby this, old-world that) and swap them for brave new interpretations. That's just what the [...] read more»
2009 Best Steakhouse
Abe & Louie’s
It's the oldest story in the book: Man tours steakhouses, steakhouses run gamut, man eliminates fading relics, lesser chains, and 'modern' meateries where the flourishes [...] read more»
2008 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23
The better story would have been that finally, in this, the year of the cow, one among the city's numerous new upscale meateries had managed [...] read more»
2008 Best Steakhouse, West
The Metropolitan Club
Chestnut Hill
Even after a few million years on the fire, steak as a culinary concept is far from done. For proof, look to the Metropolitan Club, [...] read more»
2008 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
The better story would have been that finally, in this, the year of the cow, one among the city's numerous new upscale meateries had managed [...] read more»
2007 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 and Bar
Sure, sometimes a single, tiny scallop garnished with edible flowers is enough to get the job done. For the rest of the time, there's Grill [...] read more»
2006 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
Any good steakhouse offers oversized hunks of beef, a clubby atmosphere, and expert, deferential service. A truly great one, like Grill 23, has all that [...] read more»
2005 Best Steakhouse
Abe & Louie’s
Before you spend $35 on a steak, ask a few questions. That's part of the fun at Abe & Louie's, where the waiters sing the [...] read more»
2005 Best Steakhouse, West
The Metropolitan Club
Chestnut Hill
Another city-chic restaurant in Chestnut Hill? Yawn. Or so we thought, until we stepped into filmmaker Kathy Sidell Trustman's sexy, refined dining room. Chef Jeffrey [...] read more»