Best of Boston
Best Steakhouse
2004 Best Steakhouse
Abe & Louie’s
There aren't a lot of culinary bells and whistles on the menu at Abe & Louie's, which is just fine. This is, after all, a [...] read more»
2003 Best Steakhouse
Oak Room
The real meat of a truly great steakhouse is just that: its meat. And while the opulent Oak Room may look too delicate to deliver [...] read more»
2002 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
Great steaks are only the tip of the iceberg at Grill 23. Sure, executive chef Jay Murray has a knack for cooking red meat, but [...] read more»
2001 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
You can gripe until the cows come home about Boston's relative lack of great steakhouses, but until you've bitten into a richly marbled, truly succulent [...] read more»
2000 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
It's hard to root for a champ, but when it comes to steakhouses Grill 23 has an overwhelming advantage. Why? Because this is not your [...] read more»
1999 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
When it comes to the steak-house experience, Grill 23 has it all—a cavernous men's clubby atmosphere, impeccable service, the kind of bar where one is [...] read more»
1998 Best Steakhouse
The Oak Room
Forget what you think you know about steak houses. The Oak Room, this year's dark horse candidate, puts the usual contenders to shame. Vaulted plaster [...] read more»
1997 Best Steakhouse
Grill 23 & Bar
Carnivores descend upon this old-boy's-club dining room to eat big portions, tell tall tales, and pay top dollar. While some of our more subdued purveyors [...] read more»
1995 Best Steakhouse, Plus
Grill 23 & Bar
Sure, you can order the aged sirloins and creamed spinach. But do you really want to pass up chef Robert Fathman's signature specials like Rotisseried [...] read more»