Color Me Good

We risk orange streaks to find treatments that provide a believable bronze. 

Bling Things

Photographs by Clare Dubina Styling by Donna Garlough SHINING EXAMPLES 1.    His-and-hers gold bands with inset diamonds, $3,000 and $4,500, DePrisco. 2. Scott Kay palladium […]


Best of the New

A slew of hotel openings and renovations adds five fresh options to Boston’s partyscape: The Colonnade and The Ritz Carlton included.

Sweet Spots

Looking for a place to get hitched? Here’s a tip: Go where the ambiance and scenery are already built in: Nantucket, Newport, and more.


Barbara Lynch’s New Lunch Spot is OMG! Good

Whenever I hear about an exciting new restaurant, I try to remember that, as a professional food editor, it’s important to maintain a critical distance, […]


Homegrown, White House-Caliber Pups Make TV Debut!

Ahead of the curve as usual, we first discovered breeder Denise Ronayne‘s well-mannered Yorkshire terrier pups almost two years ago. This morning, just when we […]

Pick of the Litter

Forget puggles and Labradoodles: These top-of-the-bloodline Yorkies—their family tree features only the most cherub-faced and short-muzzled of their kind—can outshine such science-experiment breeds faster than […]

wedding experts

The Experts

Eight wedding experts lend their advice to soon-to-be newlyweds on photographs, music, gifts, and more.


Bostonista Flips Out

We recently rented a house in Nowheresville, NH. The place was a dream, and the trip, divine. Getting there? Not so much. After a four-hour […]


Repurposing Your Halloween Candy

Plastic shopping bags full of snack-sized candy bars have been cropping up with alarming frequency at the Chowder offices since Halloween. Far be it from […]