Lofty Expectations

A 2004 New Yorker story describing the gentrification of South Boston so  intrigued Michelle Oliver that she yearned for a neighborhood brick-and-beam loft of her […]

Industrial Strength

The exterior is anonymous. Framed by an old metal fence and unchecked weeds, its nondescript brick walls reveal little, save for a faded mural of […]

The Once and Future Hub

Fourteen reasons Boston is poised to lead America’s economic comeback. (Whenever it comes.)

He’s Attorney James Sokolove

And those cheesy ads of his? They’ve done more than make him a pariah and a punch line. They’ve also created an under-the-radar empire that’s about to reinvent the business of ambulance chasing yet again.

The Burden of Knowing

For the right fee, a Cambridge firm called Knome will unravel all the secrets hiding in your genes. But what happens when those secrets include a higher risk of getting cancer? Or of contracting a crippling disease like Alzheimer’s? Would you be able to handle that information and the terrible choices it forces? I wasn’t.


Party Like It’s 2009

“What are doing for New Year’s Eve?” “I don’t know. What are you doing?” “Hitting up 21 parties.” “Can I come, too?” “Absolutely!” Check out […]


What’s the Dish?

Your Chowder hounds have sniffed down the best culinary events in town. Check back every Friday for your weekly prix-fixe of foodie festivals, cooking classes, […]


Bina Osteria: Aggressively Pricey, or Just Right?

There’s a spirited fight discussion currently raging on the local Chowhound board regarding Bina Osteria, the newish Italian eatery opened in Downtown Crossing by the […]


Book Report: Still Alice by Lisa Genova

On Monday night, we told ourselves we were going to do the following: Waste 30 bucks on a useless item for an extended-family grab bag, […]

Triple Take

WILKES PASSAGE 1313 Washington St., Boston Built in 2002, the seven-story condo building contains 159 units. Who He Is: Jeremiah Eck What He Does: He’s […]