
Dining Out: Bon Savor

With a big new talent in the kitchen and even bigger flavors on the plate, a sleepy J.P. restaurant finally begins to stir.

wedding gown trends spring summer 2010


Caroline DeVillo’s mermaid gown is sleek and sophisticated. Available at Bella Sera Bridal. An oversize bow accents Caroline DeVillo’s chic asymmetrical design. Available at Bella Sera. […]

Real New England Weddings: Elizabeth Shingleton & Ryan Glomsrud

Elizabeth and Ryan had their wedding on June 13, 2009 at a private home in Marion, Massachusetts.

real new england weddings

Real New England Weddings: Gillian Rattray & Antonio Carcia

Gillian and Antonio tied the knot on September 13, 2008 at The Boston Public Library in Boston, Massachusetts.

Real New England Weddings: Jaime Langione & Mike Endreny

Jaime and Mike had their New England wedding on October 11, 2008 at
Eastover Farm in Rochester, Massachusetts. Draw inspiration from their celebration.

real new england weddings

Real New England Weddings: Lauren Weitzen & Matt Anderson

Lauren and Matt had their New England wedding on July 25, 2009 at the Courageous Sailing Center in Charlestown, Massachusetts.


Ask The Experts: The Properly Groomed

What’s so hard about being the XY half of an XX-ruled occasion? Everything. The best grooms know how to prepare—and pitch in when needed.

wedding rings

Ask The Experts: The Ring Master

Smart bling shoppers know there’s a lot more to look for than the four C’s (color, clarity, carat, cut). Finding the perfect wedding rings takes patience, perseverance, and a little insider advice.

Ask The Experts: The Wedding Singer

Pity the reception with an anemic string quartet. Adam Sandler jokes aside, great music really does make great weddings. Your band should ensure a hip-swinging, fist-pumping good time.


Ask The Experts: The Seamster

The flowers. The invites. The Rolls Royce to the church. You’ve meticulously tailored every detail of the big day. Why stop short at your dress?