The Best Schools in Boston 2015 — Sortable Chart

For our annual public school rankings, we’ve made a few changes. This year’s list focuses on the top districts inside or bisected by I–495. As always, we used a statistician to crunch numbers provided by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (see more on methodology below), and rewarded schools that have smaller class sizes, lower student-to-teacher ratios, and higher rates of per-pupil spending, among other characteristics. In response to criticism of such rankings, we’ve also tried to deemphasize test results. We still take standardized test scores into account—but we reduced the weight of those scores within the overall rankings. We also changed the way we measure Advanced Placement scores. Previously, we considered only the percentage of Advanced Placement test takers who scored highly on the AP exam. This year, we also looked at the percentage of students in each school who took the exam in the first place.


See where your district landed in our exclusive ranking below. Sort 125 school districts by enrollment, test scores, student–teacher ratio, graduation rate, and more.

METHODOLOGY: We ranked the 125 school districts that lie primarily inside I-495. We used the most recent data available at press time from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. For each district, statistician George Recck, director of the Math Resource Center at Babson College, created a weighted average value based on the best available data for the district’s individual schools—including high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. Recck then compared each district’s data values with the overall average for all districts and applied a percentage weight to the standardized value for each, to create an aggregate score. Finally, the districts were ranked based on that statistical score.