‘Don’t Tase Me, Bro’

1190125366Those words were uttered by one Andrew Meyer, 21-year-old journalism student at the University of Florida just before being tasered and arrested by Florida University police at a Q+A with Sen. John Kerry. The video is making its way around the Internet and you can see it here.

Meyer was somewhere near the middle of a series of rambling questions that had something to do with voter disenfranchisement, impeachment and Skull+Bones. You know, the kind of rambling questions fired-up 21-year-old college students “ask.” The kid’s mic got cut and he became upset. That’s when the campus cops moved in to thwart any attempt at democracy taking place anywhere within the Sunshine State’s borders.

As Kerry can be heard saying, “That’s all right. Let me answer his question,” the cops swing into action, taking Meyer away and apparently tasering him into submission. Mayere can be heard yelling,” Is anybody watching this?” and in the YouTube era someone obviously was.

It wasn’t quite, “The Whole World is Watching,” while the MC-5 played “Kick out the Jams” at the 1968 Democratic convention, but it was pretty repellent nonetheless. (Assuming, of course, that it was not a set-up.)

More: Gainesville Sun story.

UPDATE: It appears Andrew Meyer is not the confused, babbling student he wants us to think he is.