Mitt Romney Is Stepping Aside for the Troops

1202239269Mitt Romney just gave his concession speech to a packed room at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. After an introduction from conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham, an upbeat Romney took the stage to sing his swan song.

His speech summed up his talking points. Romney railed against France, celebrated faith, and denounced the influence of pornography on our culture. But he saved his strongest attacks for radical Islamic jihad.

These Jihadists will battle any form of democracy—to them, democracy is blasphemous for it says that citizens, not God shape the law. They find the idea of human equality to be offensive. They hate everything we believe about freedom just as we hate everything they believe about radical Jihad.

To help win the war against Jihad, Romney felt that he must step down to allow John McCain time to organize a national campaign against a Democrat to Be Named Later as a Republican is the only one who can stop Jihad, and also support the troops.

This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose. . . . If this were only about me, I would go on. But I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America, I feel I must now stand aside, for our party and for our country.

The crowd booed him loudly for dropping out. As the speech wound down, Romney smiled widely and paused, soaking up the last scraps of national attention. After telling his conservative supporters he loved them, he uttered one last “God Bless America” as he embraced his wife for the cameras and left the stage.