Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1203019951Where will the children look for a moral paragon now? Any Congresspeople who served on the committee that grilled Roger Clemens for nearly five hours yesterday may have violated federal law if they got an autograph from the Rocket. [New York Times]

Not only is he running the city, but he’s ending the foreclosure crisis: Responding to news reports that an entire neighborhood street was trashed due to the foreclosure crisis, Mayor Tom Menino pledged that the city would clean the area up and sell the properties as affordable housing. []

Proof of spring, baseball fanatics edition: Jonathan Papelbon spoke to the press about his drive to Ft. Myers. “You turn the radio up loud. You cruise. It’s always a fun time of the year for me.” Driving with the windows down and listening to music sounds like heaven. []

Proof of spring, Shakespeare dork edition: After last year’s run of Shakespeare on the Common was mercilessly cut from 20 shows to seven, the Citi Performing Arts Center has expanded the Boston performance schedule of As You Like It to slightly more than three weeks, and will take the production on the road for several shows in Springfield. []

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

It would have to blow our minds with its minty freshness for that price: Bostonista tests the $10 tube of toothpaste.

It’s Valentine’s Day, and you don’t have reservations? Remain calm. Chowder has you covered.