Mitt Romney’s Sleeping Over at John McCain’s House!
We remember the time when a sleepover was the biggest thing that happened in our social calendar. We’d unroll our New Kids on the Block sleeping bag, wash down a large quantity of Doritos with gallons of Sprite, and watch Saved by the Bell in the morning.
The under-10 set aren’t the only ones preparing to spend a night away from home this long weekend. Former governor Mitt Romney is having a sleepover at John McCain’s house.
It sounds like the Arizona senator is going to need a lot of Doritos to keep his guests happy.
A senior McCain aide confirmed yesterday that Romney and his wife, Ann, are among 20 couples McCain and his wife have invited for the weekend, along with Governor Charlie Crist of Florida and newly elected Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.
The aide tells the Globe that the weekend is all about socializing, and isn’t some clandestine hazing ritual to determine McCain’s running mate. But as any fifth-grader can tell you, one separation anxiety-induced crying jag can make you the target of ridicule on the playground for months.
So, be cool, Mitt. Be cool.