Parade Post Mortem

1213894271In the years we’ve lived in Boston, we’ve had the opportunity to attend six championship parades. We loved having the chance to ogle cheer Tom Brady up close during the three Super Bowl parades, but nothing will ever be as special as the Red Sox’s 2004 victory tour that was so cathartic for generations of baseball fans.

While we love all the coaches and players who’ve paraded through the city before, none of them had as much fun as the Boston Celtics did today.

1213894176Typically at these parades, the fans lose their minds as their favorite players crawl by on a Duck Boat and wave politely. But the crowd at today’s parade may have been outdone by the enthusiasm of the Celtics players.

Paul Pierce, in a t-shirt emblazoned with his nickname, waved the Finals MVP trophy over his head as he puffed on a comically large cigar. Clearly loving the attention, he nearly folded himself in half to get as close to the fans as the railing on the boats would allow. Doc Rivers rolled by in a lovely lilac-colored vehicle, pointing to the wildly cheering fans and smiling widely.

A couple of boats later, Kevin Garnett rolled by, dramatically lifting the championship trophy over his head, still yelling with excitement. Even though there was a comfortable breeze blowing, Big Baby was shirtless as he danced and mugged for the crowd. Rajon Rondo quietly waved on the other side of Baby’s boat.

1213895551The fans, riled up by the exuberant players, quickly followed the boats to Copley Square, hoping to catch one last glimpse of the champions before they head into the off season.

Man, we’re gonna miss those guys.