Introducing Chowder, and Pomelo
Welcome to the inaugural post of Chowder, Boston magazine’s new daily food blog, where we’ll share our favorite food finds, restaurant news, advice on where to eat…anything new and interesting in the Boston food world. I’m Amy Traverso, Boston‘s food editor, and I welcome your feedback, tips, and questions. You can find me at
So let’s begin, shall we?
Subject 1: Pomelos
Everyone around the office is sick of hearing me talk about them, but I won’t rest until they’ve all tried the Pomelo, King of Fruits, noble cousin of the grapefruit. Because the days are dark and cold, and I consider it my job to point out that citrus season is winter’s reward and something to look forward to.
Pomelos do bear a family resemblance to grapefruit, but they’re much sweeter, much less bitter, and almost tropical in flavor. They’re also huge. A single fruit could qualify as breakfast. Native to Southeast Asia, they’re now grown commercially in California, and I’ve spotted them locally at Formaggio Kitchen and the Alewife Whole Foods store.
A note on eating: The fruit has a very thick outer skin and pith, so there’s a fair amount of peeling involved. But the advantage is that the translucent membrane surrounding the fruit is also very thick, and it peels away easily, leaving just the juicy flesh for you to eat. Serve as is, or in a salad with baby spinach, almonds, and jicama.
Next up…why Newton is becoming the next hot foodie destination.
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