Night Lines: Wednesday’s Double Feature
Though party throwers have as of late gone with Tuesday as their weeknight of choice, this week, Wednesday was the big night for hitting the town.
First, we found ourselves at Bar 10, at the Copley Westin, to celebrate the release of Boston‘s March issue. A particularly lively and thirsty crowd reflected the issue’s subject matter. Members of 20-guy punk band Bang Camaro—and our spring fashion models—sipped girly cocktails with manly swagger.
Nearby, Tonya Mezrich, wife of author Ben Mezrich, who receives a buzzy profile in the new issue, got Bostonista pumped up for the Monday screening of 21, the movie adaptation of Mezrich’s book Bringing Down the House (starring Kate Bosworth), and the much-hyped A-list party that will follow. Bostonista admired her wardrobe options for the event, all by local designer Michael DePaulo. (Check back Tuesday for a report on those festivities.)
Our next stop was Fresh, where the Boston-based beauty company was celebrating its newly renovated Newbury Street shop. When we first arrived, we were struck by one thing: The lights. It was briiiiiiight in there. We get it, it’s a makeup store. And to put on makeup well you need intense wattage.
For swilling champagne, however, Bostonista prefers some mood lighting. Once we’d gotten over the shocking number of misplaced eyebrows on a few less diligent party-goers, we embraced the store’s cool new design by David Hacin. And the goodie bags—containing a Fresh candle and a gift certificate for a $50 glass of Veuve Clicquot champagne at the Liberty Hotel’s La Grande Dame bar—ranked high on our swag-o-meter.
Yes, we like your style and your products, Fresh, but next time you throw an after-dark soiree please install some dimmers. For Bostonista’s sake!