How We Choose Boston’s Top Senior Living Communities
The research and publishing platform DataJoe created and implemented a research campaign to identify the top retirement facilities and providers in the area. The team consulted various public sources, including state and federal government sources, to collect the initial information. As applicable, DataJoe eliminated facilities that did not meet its minimum-capacity threshold to increase the likelihood that the identified places would have openings for readers interested in contacting these facilities. They then factored in federal government ratings (where applicable) and frequency of negative reports to the state regulatory agency (complaints, disciplinary actions, and enforcement actions, as available to the public) to isolate the top candidates for our list. Finally, DataJoe also conducted Internet research to check various local media outlets to confirm a positive community perception and factored in online ratings. It was looking for facilities that meet its minimum thresholds with the highest ratings and the smallest proportion of negative reports/press. After the list was completed, a copy was shared with Boston magazine’s sales staff. They, in turn, offered advertisements to the winners. Whether or not a community purchased an ad had no impact on the creation of this list.
We recognize that many facilities/providers do not appear on this representative list. This is a sampling of the huge array of service providers within the region. Inclusion in the list is based on information that DataJoe was able to gather via its independent research. DataJoe expends much time and energy to ensure a fair, multi-faceted research process. It certainly does not discount the fact that many good and effective providers and facilities may not appear on the list.
DataJoe uses best practices and exercises great care in assembling content for this list. DataJoe does not warrant that the data contained within the list is complete or accurate. DataJoe does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All rights reserved. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe.
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