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City Life

Questions For: Will Leitch, Part II

In yesterday’s installment of Questions For, we engaged in a lively back and forth with one Will Leitch, the genius behind Deadspin and the author […]

City Life

If We Ignore Him, He’ll Go Away

Struggling artists are a lot like recalcitrant children—if you pay attention to their negative behavior, they’ll learn to keep misbehaving. Boston City Council President Maureen […]

City Life

The Hill and the Hall Week in Review

Each Friday, Paul McMorrow will take you inside the smoke-filled rooms and darkly-lit corridors of government to bring you the hottest and juiciest political tidbits. […]

City Life

Clinton or Obama, Or Not

Well, how’s that for timing? On the same day that the Herald not so subtly raised the point that Massachusetts politicians are choosing up sides […]

City Life

Questions For… Will Leitch

You probably know Will Leitch from the groundbreaking website Deadspin, where he and his merry band of commenters gleefully skewer the sports world every day. […]

City Life

Breaking: Kerry to Endorse Obama

We were pretty sure the Democratic National Committee had gagged Sen. John Kerry and locked him in a basement. After his swiftboating and defeat at […]

City Life

More New Hampshire Fallout

Last night, the media was on auto-pilot. As the moments until the New Hampshire polls closed crept closer, the pundits talked about the implosion of […]

City Life

And the Winner Is. . .

The thrill of victory. The agony of defeat. Both were evident in spades at last night’s BoMag primary viewing party. We’ve got six long days […]

City Life

Dispatches from Romneyland

Mitt Romney and his supporters are robots. Whether that’s in a real sense, or a metaphoric one, may be a mystery for the ages, since […]

City Life

Duke: Cool with Jerry, Not with Howie

Alex Beam’s column today is another phoned-in meta job of little interest to anyone, but there’s a nice bit at the end about a new […]

City Life

Last Night’s Primary

Wow. That’s what I kept saying last night while watching the returns from New Hampshire. (Actually, I kept saying holy shit, but I was trying […]

City Life

Stealing the Cahds from Hahvahd Yahd

Fairly or unfairly, there is a tendency to pounce whenever something goes wrong at Harvard. Nobody would care, people say, if it weren’t Harvard. Everyone […]

City Life

Mitt Romney: Not a Cuddler

As we cruise the internet this afternoon, trying to get through these last painful hours before primary results start to filter in, we noticed something. […]

City Life

Questions for…Walter Lewin

When we last saw MIT physics professor Walter Lewin—the craziest, funniest professor this side of Buddy Love—he was enjoying minute seven of his 15 minutes […]

City Life

Snowstorms and the Second Amendment

When a snowstorm or other weather system descends upon our fair state, our first instinct is to stock up on bread and milk (. . […]