The Intern Files: Guerilla Fashion

1217257806While we might not always remember this, fashion is about more than just clothing or how things look. A lot of what makes a style interesting comes from the story that inspired it and the process that lead to the final product (Project Runway isn’t just popular because of Heidi Klum, people). Here in Boston, the people at Guerilla Fashion are using that idea as the main concept behind their video projects.

According to its website, GF is going to present “a brave new world of style” that uses video as a way to help fashion entertain and educate. A little vague, we know, but we’re excited to see what their first major project will yield because it just so happens to coincide with Boston Fashion Week 2008 (which this year gets its own week, unlike last year’s unfortunate overlap with the considerably better-attended New York Fashion Week).

Until now, GF has only experimented with in-house projects; September’s Fashion Week, September 12-19, will mark the beginning of a series of short films that the collective hopes to screen for the public. The film series will feature footage from the many different events that make up Fashion Week in the Hub and take viewers behind the scenes to experience the moments that make up this celebration of fashion.

Original music and moving images will take the video from simply docu-style shorts to experimental works of art. Once editing is finished in the spring, the company will host screenings throughout the Northeast and post the videos on YouTube. GF also hopes to get the shorts screened in other fashion-centric cities, as well, like Kyoto and Melbourne.

We can’t speak for everyone, but, GF? We’re always ready for our close-up.


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