What to Wear to a Polo Match

San Diego Hat Company straw hat, $24.97, Levis’ denim jacket, stylist’s own; Madewell bandana, $12.50; Theory tank, $190; Theory pants, $285; Vintage sandals, stylist’s own. / Photo by Toan Trinh
Planning to take in some polo this Saturday? First timers might be feeling a little unsure about what to wear while cheering on those ponies. Follow these simple rules and no one will guess this is your first divot stomp.
Remember, this is not the Kentucky Derby; your attire should be less formal and more like what you would wear to a summer baby shower at a nice restaurant. A hat is a good idea to protect your face from a long day in the sun, but think function over fashion; no one is expecting an elaborate head piece. Heels, unless they’re low and chunky, are a mistake. A swingy little summer dress is cute in theory, but pants are the better choice because this is a sport where picnic spreads also compete. The most important accessory? Knowing how to handle your rose.
Opening Day for Season XXVI of the Newport International Polo Series is Saturday, June 3, at 5 p.m. at the Newport International Polo Grounds, 250 Linden Lane, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.