Roundup: Energy Enhancing Snacks
It’s mid-afternoon and you’re about to crash. Step away from the energy drinks and try one of these natural energy snacks. You’ll get a quick boost to get you through the rest of the day without feeling jittery or anxious.

Blueberries image via Shutterstock.
Pack a handful of blueberries in your bag for a mid-afternoon snack. According to the NBC News, fresh fruits are full of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C, which means that they’ll give you a pick-me-up when you need it most. The carbs in blueberries will give you an energy boost, and berries have lower sugar content than other fresh fruits, too, so you won’t feel jittery.

Yogurt with granola image via Shutterstock.
If dinner is three hours away and you feel like you ate lunch ages ago, grab a small container of yogurt to snack on. Yogurt has carbohydrates, which are natural energy-producers, and according to the Mayo Clinic, the protein in the yogurt will also make you feel full for longer. Sprinkle cereal, granola, or fresh fruit on the yogurt if you’re extra hungry.

Golden raisins image via Shutterstock.
Raisins are a snacker’s dream. Science Daily reports that raisins may lower blood pressure, plus they’re high in antioxidants and low in fat and calories. Pack a handful in your bag and munch on the, while you work. Foods with antioxidants, which are substances like vitamin C and E that help remove potentially damaging oxidizing agents from your body, are always a healthy choice. Plus, the nutrients in raisins are absorbed quickly, meaning that you’ll feel more awake mere minutes after grabbing a handful.

Popcorn image via Shutterstock.
You can eat a lot of popcorn without feeling guilty because the easy snack food is a whole grain that’s low on calories. Because there’s very little salt on popcorn, it’s also better for you than snacking on pretzels. According to Time magazine’s health report, popcorn even contains antioxidants. You can buy single servings of popcorn, which makes it easy not to eat too much, and the fiber in the popcorn will make you feel full, so you’ll be able to pay attention to your work instead of your growling stomach.

Almonds image via Shutterstock.
Almonds are packed with good fats that help you stay full, and they are also nutrient-heavy, containing substances like vitamin E, magnesium, tryptophan, manganese, and phosphorus. According to SF Gate, magnesium aids in the production of energy, supports the immune system, and improves sleep patterns, so it’s something that you definitely want in your diet. The protein and fibers in almonds will also help to stabilize your blood sugar and slow digestion, which in turn regulates energy so that you’ll have a steady reserve of energy over time (no mid-afternoon hunger headaches here!).

Green tea image via Shutterstock.
Green Tea
Grab a mug of hot green tea or a cup of iced green tea in lieu of coffee to keep yourself awake. Not only does it taste refreshing, but you’ll get a ton of antioxidants, according to researchers at Harvard. Unless specifically decaffeinated, green tea does contain very low levels of caffeine, but that will help you feel energetic without the jitters of a late afternoon coffee binge.

Chocolate image via Shutterstock.
Organic Dark Chocolate
Instead of heading around the corner for that brownie that you’ve been thinking about, stash some dark chocolate in your desk for those days when you just can’t fend off the cravings. Desserts that are heavy in processed carbohydrates will make it hard to stop eating, but Cleveland Clinic reports that dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants that will give you the afternoon pick-me-up you need. Plus, the low sugar content will give you a feel-good energy boost without the sugar crash.