Spring Awakening: Shake Off the Winter Blues with These Four Tips
From nipping at your nose to zapping your vitamin D, Jack Frost wreaks havoc all winter. Here’s how to undo the damage.

Barry’s Bootcamp photo provided.
Your body hasn’t seen a bikini in months.
Sign up for a hardcore workout.
Barry’s Bootcamp is the latest of many national chains to come to Boston, and it’s also the most intense. Sessions are usually split into four 13-minute segments: two cardio parts on a treadmill and two strengthening parts that employ hand weights and resistance bands. You’ll walk funny the next day, but it’ll be worth it come beach season. barrysbootcamp.com.

Mushrooms image via shutterstock
Your Vitamin D levels are as low as they go.
Eat more mushrooms.
In New England, the sun doesn’t get high enough in the winter sky for ultraviolet B rays (UVBs) to penetrate the atmosphere, which means you aren’t getting any natural vitamin D. Double down on the fungus: A study by the Boston University School of Medicine found that eating mushrooms can be an effective way to ensure you’re getting enough.

Facial image via shutterstock
The Polar Vortex has left your skin dull.
Schedule a rejuvenating facial.
Last month, the Spa at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel introduced its 80-minute Rose Infinity facial, which leverages the plumping and firming benefits of soy and yeast proteins and plant stem cells to boost collagen production and moisturize skin. A glowing complexion, of course, is the ideal accessory for spring’s outdoor soirees. mandarinoriental.com.

Sea salts image via shutterstock
Your stuffy nose just won’t quit.
Hit G2O’s brine-inhalation room.
Though there has been little U.S. clinical research on salt therapy, there may be benefits, says Sam Lin, a local plastic surgeon. Salt crystal is thought to be a source of negative ions, which may clean the air, he says, adding, “ionic properties may contribute to lowering mucous thickness, thus improving clearance of the respiratory system.” g2ospasalon.com.