A ‘UFC Gym’ is Opening in Boston

Flyer left in my apartment’s mail room.
It’s one thing to read how the pros train or what the pros eat, but it’s a whole other ballgame when you can actually train with the pros. That’s why the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is opening numerous “UFC gyms” across the country. The Boston location will be in the financial district.
Offering “construction” prices for the new spot, which will be located at 74-82 Lincoln Street, the UFC Gym will feature a slew of classes including: Daily Ultimate Training (combines resistance training, body movement drills, and cardio respiratory endurance); MATRX (TRX suspension training combined with MMA movements and training techniques); UFC FIT (kickboxing, plyometric training, core conditioning, fighting elements, and more packed into a 50-minute class); boxing; kickboxing; private coaching; and more.
According to the company’s website, a UFC Gym is “the first major brand extension of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, the world leader in the sport of mixed martial arts.” We reached out to representatives for UFC corporate in Las Vegas and it was confirmed that this franchise is a part of the UFC family. So far, there’s 100-plus UFC gyms either open or in the works across the county.
“The UFC is very involved with this process [because] the UFC Gym is one of its first endeavors to take their brand mainstream,” says Chu Pak, general manager of the new gym. “We are a franchise, one of over 100 at this point. Boston is the next big city. We’ve become very successful all over the country, but especially in the Mid-Atlantic region, New York, City, and the lower end of New England. We believe that Boston is ready and has been wanting a gym like ours for quite some time. We cater to the working professional who needs a supplement to their normal regimen or just do something different that gets them excited about exercising.”
Pak says that construction on the build out started Wednesday, and they hope to be open by October 1. As for why they chose the financial district, Pak says it’s because they wanted to be “in your face.”
“Our location on Lincoln Street is perfectly centered for our demographic. Whether you’re coming in from South Station or wanting to wait an hour to let traffic die down, you’ll get a great workout instead of sitting around doing nothing,” Pak says. “We’re right in front of your face so you can’t get lazy. Our space is also perfectly suited for what we do. Beautiful wood floors, modern restrooms and showers, granite counter tops, an more. It’s a show piece, not just a gym. It’s very comfortable.”
The membership prices reflect the “showpiece” mentality. Although the prices are not yet set, Pak says that membership prices will average around $100 a month and range between $85 and $130 depending on what you are looking for. And don’t let the “UFC” name scare you off. Although there will be fighting cages, the gym is going for a “family atmosphere.”
“The family atmosphere we create in the gym is something you have to feel to understand,” Pak says. “Everyone knows your name when you walk in. You’ll find a new best friend or training partner in no time.”
74-82 Lincoln Street, ufcgym.com, 978-636-0863