The Hauswitch’s Spell Kits Will Help You Cleanse Your Life

One of six spell kits available. Photo provided.
There’s a way to cleanse that doesn’t involve juice.
Just six months ago, Erica Feldmann, a.k.a. the Hauswitch, began creating “spell kits” that come housed in a cardboard box shaped like a home. The 33-year-old Somerville resident found immediate success on Etsy, which led to the opening of her first shop in Salem earlier this month.
“[At the Salem store] I sell the spell kits, and then I have everything you need to bring good vibes into your house, including vintage and secondhand furniture,” says Feldmann, who also runs a decorating business. The kits include a range of items, such as potions, candles, crystals, handmade mini cauldrons, sage bundles, shells, and more. Every kit also includes a simple meditation.
The idea to create the kits, which are available in seven varieties (HausWarming; Co + Habitate; Open Window; North Wind; Ohm for the Home; Dream House; and a custom creation) first came to Feldmann while working with one of her decorating clients.
“With my decorating clients, I try to explain what I’ve done for them, and how I brought energy into the equation,” Feldmann says. “When my good friend moved to Kentucky, she was having some trouble finding a home, so I drew a picture of a house and put in a crystal, which is good for manifesting abundance, and magnets and calcite and anything else I could think of that would attract the house of their dreams. She loved it, and I began to think that I could make these for everyone. The response to the kits has been overwhelming.”
Overwhelming might be an understatement. Feldmann’s creations have been picked up by numerous boutiques in Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles, and she says that she’s expecting a purchase order from a very large clothing and home goods chain store “any day now.” She asked me not to mention the store’s name as to not curse the potential deal. I, of course, obliged. Do I really want to anger someone who creates spells for a living? No thanks.
But don’t worry, Feldmann stresses that this is not about religion or spirits or anything “black magic.” This is about setting an intention for yourself, and making your home the sanctuary it should be; a place to unwind from the day, and be at peace with yourself. So far, she has not been affected by the recent Etsy ban on metaphysical items. After all, this is all about taking some time for yourself—and should be taken with a heavy-heaping of salt.
“People looking in from the outside might think this is more mysterious than it is,” Feldmann says. “That’s what is magical about this whole thing. I’m giving you the tools, but you are bringing the intention to the table. I think that the energy of the home is something that you feel everyday. The kits are just to help you do a little ritual, just to say ‘I am changing the energy in here for the better.’ It brings a level of consciousness to what your space feels like and looks like. I’ve had clients who use [the kits] and have turned around how they take care of and feel in their home.”
Although this seems like the perfect holiday gift, Feldmann says that when it come to operating a Salem business, busy season starts right now.
“Salem businesses do 75 percent of their yearly revenue in October,” she says. “So we are preparing now.”
144 Washington St., Salem,