25 Variations of the Dreaded Plank

Make planking more fun with these unique options.

planking photo via shutterstock

planking photo via shutterstock

I’ve come to the conclusion, in my years of fitness endeavors, that the plank might be the most versatile exercise out there; the variations are almost endless. And since the good ol’ plank works your abs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, back, shoulders and inner thighs, it’s well worth mixing it up every once in a while.

A few words of guidance on technique: No matter what kind of plank you’re doing, you want to make sure you keep your body in a straight line. That means your hips shouldn’t stick up and your stomach shouldn’t sag. Keep your abs tight to help your spine stay aligned. If you need to modify, drop your knees to the floor.

Once you’ve mastered the basic plank, try working some plank variations into your workout. Here, 25 new plank moves to try.

1. Plank with Donkey Kick

2. Side Plank

3. Physioball Plank

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