22 Healthy Events to Try This Week

Glow Zumba photo provided
Monday, April 4
Jubali Run and Panel: Take a three-mile run, followed by a panel discussion about distance running, marathons, fuel, training, and recovery. Four experienced panelists will offer up advice and opinions.
Free, 6:30 p.m. 144 Newbury St., Boston, movewith.com.
Boston Marathon Clinic Series: This clinic at Adidas RunBase will answer any last-minute questions runners have before race day. Learn how to tackle the course and how to have your best marathon yet.
Free, 6:30 p.m. 855 Boylston St., Boston, eventbrite.com.
A Taste of Ginger: This culinary event at the MFA will benefit the Joslin Diabetes Center’s Asian American Diabetes Initiative. Enjoy dishes from more than 30 Boston chefs.
$250, 6:30 p.m. 465 Huntington Ave., Boston, joslin.org.
Tuesday, April 5
Eat to Defeat ALS: The food at this fundraiser may not be healthy, but the cause is a good one. Cask ‘n’ Flagon is donating 10 percent of its Tuesday sales to ALS One, a group pledging to find an ALS treatment within four years.
Free entry, 4 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. 62 Brookline Ave., Boston, facebook.com.
Wednesday, April 6
Knife Skills 101: Learn to chop veggies and herbs faster at this knife skills class. You’ll walk away with confidence in the kitchen.
$30, 11:30 a.m. 1622 Beacon St., Brookline, eventbrite.com.
Taper Smart: As the Boston Marathon draws closer, learn the fine art of tapering from coaches at Heartbreak Hill Running Company.
Free, 6:30 p.m. 652 Tremont St., Boston, eventbrite.com.
Thursday, April 7
Meditating for Mindfulness: This weekly guided meditation will help you slow down and calm down. Meditation begins promptly at 6:50 p.m., so don’t be late.
$10, 6:45 p.m. 715 Boylston St., Boston, movewith.com.
Friday, April 8
Yoga Reaches Out Benefit Class: The proceeds from this vinyasa yoga class, held at the Endicott Estate in Dedham, benefit philanthropic yoga organization Yoga Reaches Out. Before class, you can strike a favorite yoga pose and have your picture taken by a professional photographer.
$33, 6:15 p.m. 656 East St., Dedham, eventbrite.com.
Saturday, April 9
Swim Event: Believe it or not, bathing suit season is creeping up. Head to Athleta for a booty-focused workout that will whip you into shape.
Free, 8:30 a.m. 92 Newbury St., Boston, athleta.com.
Spring Mindfulness Retreat: Head to historic Concord for this mindfulness retreat. Take part in guided meditation classes and discussions, and learn new practices.
$65, 8:45 a.m. 45 Walden St., Concord, themindfulnessstudio.com.
Race for the Cure: Walk or run this 5K along Carson Beach, and raise money for the Susan. G. Komen Foundation, a leading breast cancer fundraising group.
$15-$105, 9 a.m. William J. Day Blvd., Boston, komenct.org.
Martial Arts Seminar: Train and learn martial arts with three professional black belts. Practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and advance your skills.
$20-$50 donation, 11 a.m. 26 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, eventbrite.com.
Bending Over Backwards: This Yoga Works workshop will focus on back bends of all kinds, and how to do them correctly.
$40, 12:30 p.m. 1032 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, yogaworks.com.
Wellness Talk for Runners: Learn about holistic nutrition and self-care during this talk about reducing inflammation, preventing injuries, and improving performance. After the talk, sample smoothies and snacks from local companies.
Free, 1 p.m. 144 Newbury St., Boston, movewith.com.
Cristo Ride Boston: Support Cristo Rey Boston High School in Dorchester, which serves low-income families and helps prepare kids for college. Cycle for an hour at the Handle Bar, then enjoy a post-ride happy hour at The Maiden.
$125, 2:30 p.m. 141 Dorchester Ave., Boston, cristoreyboston.org.
Taste of African Heritage: This is the first installment in a three-week healthy cooking series focused on traditional ingredients and recipes from the African diaspora.
Free, 3 p.m. 100 Hanover St., Boston, thetrustees.org.
Let’s Glow Zumba: Have a healthy and fit Saturday night at Studio U’s glow Zumba class. Get ready to glow and dance the night away.
$10, 7:30 p.m. 1065 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, zumba.com.
Sunday, April 10
Bootcamp and Nutrition: Pull double-duty with a bootcamp class followed by a 20-minute lecture filled with nutrition tips.
Free, 9:30 a.m. 92 Newbury St., Boston, athleta.com.
Yoga and Pilates at Lululemon: Stop by the Prudential Lululemon store for a free yoga and Pilates class with Antonio Aniello of North End Yoga.
Free, 11 a.m. 776 Boylston St., Boston, lululemon.com.
Robot Race and Human 5k: Run a human 5K, then watch robots race. Enter your own home-built bot, or compete on your own two legs. Proceeds benefit technology-driven healthcare in underserved countries.
$25, 7 a.m. 36 Cambridgepark Dr., Boston, vecnacares.org.
Workout and Brunch: First, work hard during a full-body workout. Then, reward yourself with an Instagram-worthy brunch.
$15, 11 a.m. Surprise location, gofitu.com.
Race Ready: Running the Boston Marathon? This yoga workshop will get your mind and body ready for the big day.
$40, 3 p.m. 1032 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, yogaworks.com.