Janji and MoveWith Are Partnering Once Again

MoveWith will teach fitness classes at Janji's Newbury Street pop-up store.


Janji photo provided

MoveWith and Janji are back at it.

When Janji, a local running brand with a philanthropic mission, opened a pop-up shop on Newbury Street this past spring, fitness booking service MoveWith called in its roster of teachers to offer classes in the store. The two brands must have hit it off, because they’re rebooting that partnership.

On Tuesday, MoveWith announced that it will offer classes in Janji’s latest pop-up, which will be open for nine months at 328 Newbury Street. MoveWith classes will run through June 2017.

The schedule will evolve over time, but it already includes power yoga, yoga for runners, bootcamp, kickboxing, and Pound. (You can see the full listing here.) Almost every class costs $12, which is a steal compared to the $20 or $30 you’re likely to pay at nearby boutique studios.

Newbury Street is already something of a fitness hub, but we’ll never say no to a new—and pretty affordable—place to sweat.

Janji, 328 Newbury St., Boston. Register for classes at movewith.com.