Here’s Your Chance to Learn the ‘Thriller’ Dance

Screenshot via Vevo
Later this month, Equinox is hosting a pretty thrilling event.
Equinox Dartmouth Street is holding a free, open-to-all class with one goal: learning the original choreography from Michael Jackson’s iconic “Thriller” video. Consider this required practice for Halloween party season.
The class is part of the luxury gym’s annual Heroes and Villains party on October 29. Three Equinox instructors—Chad Flahive, Shandell Raposa, and Kristy DiScipio—will lead you through MJ’s moves, then, after you’ve mastered the steps, you can refuel with light snacks and refreshments. A red leather jacket is optional, but heroes- or villains-inspired get-ups are encouraged.
The dance party kicks off at 12:05 p.m. Email to RSVP. In the meantime, start practicing those zombie hands:
Free, 10/29, 12:05 p.m. Equinox, 131 Dartmouth St., Boston,