Trick, Treat, and Tone This Halloween

Do this workout while you collect enough candy to last until Christmas.

Trick or Treating

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All Hallow’s Sugar High is almost upon us, which means you’re going to need a way to burn off all that candy-fueled energy. Why not do it while you trick or treat?

With the help of Jen Dehestani, a personal trainer and the cofounder of JFit 360, we put together a routine that combines trick-or-treating and working out. Do it while you take the kids—or yourself—around the neighborhood, and you won’t have to feel bad about sneaking a Reese’s or two.


  • Plot your trick-or-treating course by running the same route the day before. This way, you’ve got a game plan for the big night—and you’re saying “boo” to being unhealthy before you’ve even worn your costume.


  • Once you’ve donned your mask, tail, or cape, get your thighs burning by doing walking lunges up to the front door of each house. Do jumping jacks while you wait for the door to open—but be careful not to drop your candy. (If you do, squat down to pick it up.)
  • After securing the sweets, figure out how many pieces of candy you got. Three Kit Kats and a Snickers? Hold your bag to your chest and do four squats. This will get harder as the night goes on, as you will have done more squats, and you’ll be carrying more weight.
  • As those bags and buckets start to fill up, work your arms by doing bicep or hammer curls with your treats.
  • Bonus: Carry your toddler house to house for an extra challenge. “Remember to keep your core tight and engaged to help protect your lower back,” Dehestani says, adding that you should alternate on which side you carry your little monster.


  • Stretch, then head home to enjoy some of your haul.

Have a spooky and sweaty Halloween!