14 Healthy Things to Do This Week

Photo provided by Barefoot Yoga Shala
Monday, July 31
Asana with Harry Potter: You’ll reparo stress at this Harry Potter yoga workshop, featuring poses inspired by the wizarding world and meditations guided by passages from the books.
$30, 7:30 p.m. Barefoot Yoga Shala, 191 S Main St., Middleton, barefootyogashala.com.
Tuesday, August 1
Slow Flow Master Class: Yoga instructors and longtime practitioners are invited to join master teacher Barbara Benagh for a rare master class. This session is for experienced yogis only.
$22, 2 p.m. Down Under School of Yoga, 1054 Beacon St., Brookline, downunderyoga.com.

Photo provided by Pilates with a Purpose
Wednesday, August 2
Pilates with Purpose: Join Equinox instructor Ali Baldassare for an outdoor Pilates-cardio fusion class that’ll strengthen your core and stretch out your limbs. And like all Pilates with Purpose events, it benefits a good cause—this time, proceeds go back to the Greenway.
Suggested $25 donation, 6:30 p.m. Rose F. Kennedy Greenway, Milk Street & Atlantic Avenue, Boston, eventbrite.com.
Mental Health First Aid: This workshop will help parents, teachers, and others become familiar with the signs of mental health issues in kids, and explain how to deal with them appropriately.
Free, 8:30 a.m. Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experience, 167 Holland St., Somerville, thebostoncalendar.com.
Friday, August 4
Finding Our Center: This weekend of yoga and meditation workshops led by Rolf Gates at Down Under School of Yoga will help you find your center and explore the journey of yoga. Take one, or all of them.
$185 for three days, various times. Down Under School of Yoga, 1054 Beacon St., Brookline, downunderyoga.com.
Fitness Happy Hour: Embrace the weekend with this fitness happy hour hosted by Fitbit Local. Instructor Chad Flahive will lead a full-body workout in the great outdoors.
Free, 6 p.m. Copley Square, 560 Boylston St., Boston, eventbrite.com.
Bro Barre: First there was Broga; now there’s Bro Barre. (Yes, that’s barre for guys.) Ladies are welcome too, but they’re encouraged to bring a guy to join the fun. Class will be followed by beer and snacks.
$25, 7 p.m. Studio U, 1065 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, studiouboston.com.

Photo by Matt Hichborn
Saturday, August 5
Matahari Family Day 5K: Walk, run, or roll a double loop around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir at this day of family fun. Enjoy a potluck picnic afterward.
$30, 9 a.m. Chestnut Hill Reservoir, 2408 Beacon St., bostonroadrunners.org.
Insane Inflatable 5K: This is like no other 5K you’ve run. Half road race, half obstacle course, you’ll climb, jump, and crawl your way over 3.1 miles of inflatable objects.
$65, 8:30 a.m. Cape Cod Fairgrounds, 1229 Nathan Ellis Highway, East Falmouth, insaneinflatable5k.com.
Nom-aste Brunch: A ticket to this event includes one hour of live DJ yoga, followed by brunch and a cocktail.
$40, 10 a.m. Granite Links Golf Club, 100 Quarry Hill Drive, Quincy, eventbrite.com.
Free Yoga at Common Ground: CorePower Yoga is hosting a free class at Common Ground in Allston. Hang around afterward for drinks and mingling.
Free, 3 p.m. Common Ground, 85 Harvard Ave., Allston, facebook.com.
MoonLight LateNight Yoga: Eric Anderson will lead a yoga class in front of the Boston Children’s Museum under the moonlight. Bring your own mat.
Suggested $10 donation, 11 p.m. Boston Children’s Museum, 308 Congress St., Boston, facebook.com.
Sunday, August 6
Breathe and Believe: The hour-long, d0nation-based class will be followed by treats from local vendors.
Suggested $10 donation, 10 a.m. Lululemon, 776 Boylston Street, Boston, eventbrite.com.
Seize the Streets: Somerville is barring car traffic on Holland Street from Davis to Teele Square, and opening the streets to running, dancing, and biking. There will also be music, a bouncy house and water slide, an Aeronaut beer garden, and more.
Free, 2 p.m. Holland Street, Somerville, facebook.com.