Six Boston Executives on How They Destress

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Matthew O’Toole, president of Reebok:
The best way to unwind after a tough day is watching one of my kids’ sports events. I have five children and nothing is more exciting for me than seeing them play.
Joseph “Jay” Hooley, chairman and CEO of State Street Corporation:
When I’m stressed out, I like to exercise. I’m a big believer that exercise is a great moderator of stress. I make it a priority to start my day with a workout. I find it boosts my energy level all day long and fortifies me to deal with whatever challenges my day might bring.
Lisa Tanzer, president of Life Is Good:
The best way to unwind after a long day of work is to hang out with family and friends without distractions.
Kathleen Murphy, president of personal investing at Fidelity:
The best way to unwind after a tough day is to have some laughs with my family. We love to go to the local Irish pub Dunn-Gaherin’s, in Newton Upper Falls, on the weekends just to catch up on the week.
John Fish, chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction:
The best way to decompress after a long week is picking up a barbecue chicken pizza on a Friday night and enjoying it with my family.
Shira Goodman, president and CEO of Staples:
When I need to decompress I grab a glass of wine, some popcorn, and a great book.
[Adapted from Boston Inc., a series of interviews conducted in 2015 and 2016. See more.]