There’s a New Bedgear Performance Sleep Pop-Up Shop on Newbury Street

Get a personalized bed and pillow for your best night's sleep.

bedgear pop-up

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We’re all obsessed with getting a good night’s sleep, but none of us get enough time under the covers. According to a Gallup Poll, 42 percent of Americans do not get the 7-9 hours of sleep recommended by the National Sleep Foundation and on top of that, studies show that overall health is largely linked to sleep quality. So even though you may crawl into bed with enough time to get eight hours of shut-eye, all eight of those hours may not be the quality you need.

Herein lies the issue that many of us face, and without good quality sleep, our cognition, pain perception, immunity, inflammation, metabolism, and endocrine function may be adversely affected, according to the foundation. That’s a lot at stake. And now companies like BEDGEAR Performance are doing what they can to improve sleep function by creating personalized sleep systems.

“We don’t have one-size-fits-all products [beds, sheets, blankets, etc.]. We’re all so different and we need a sleep system that’s going to reflect those differences,” Eugene Alletto, CEO of BEDGEAR, says. “Sleep is so important when it comes to recovery, and in order to do the things we love, we need to be able to get good quality sleep.”

BEDGEAR opened a pop-up shop on Newbury Street last week that will run until June 30, where patrons can come in for a bed and pillow fitting. The process of a fitting will include filling out an online questionnaire with the chance to feel the breathable material and lay on the launchpads (which is what the company calls their specially designed mattresses). Fittings are based off three sleeping positions: back, side, and front, and three body sizes: small, medium, and large frame. But they don’t just stop there—you’ll get fitted for everything that goes on your launchpad.

“What’s important is how all the pieces you’re sleeping with fit together,” Alletto says. “We don’t just carry mattresses. We carry pillows, blankets, mattress pads, and protectors, and we make sure that each piece is consistent with your needs. About 1/3 of your vertebrae will never touch your mattress and if you’re overheating with heavy blankets, then you’re not getting optimal sleep either.”

Each piece has a modern look and is CFM (cubic feet per minute) certified, meaning they measure air flow and adapt to your body temperature as you sleep. Designed to keep you not too cold and not too hot, it’s the same system used in vacuum pumps and fans. Their launchpads are also designed to be soft or firm, depending on the sleeper’s preference.

An avid runner, skier, and outdoorsman himself, he says the company appeals to those who are inspired to live an active lifestyle. He says Boston’s fitness presence was a big reason they decided to host a pop-up here.

“When we came to do a sleep room for the Red Sox, I realized that not only were the Red Sox living this active lifestyle, but so were many others,” he says. “It seemed so logical for us to provide Bostonians with this pop-up and allow them full access to a sleep system that will allow for full recovery.”

330 Newbury St. Full schedule of events during the pop-up: For more info on their products: 

Bedgear pop-up

Image provided.

Bedgear pop-up

Image provided.