Take Your Mileage to the Barn to Run Trail Race Series this Fall
The series is produced by Sun Multisport Events and includes short, mid, and long distance races at farms across New England.

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Running in a straight line can get rather boring—let’s not kid ourselves. Even if you live for the runner’s high, it’s always good to shake up the scenery, company, or the distances you log—so why not bring your running to the farm?
That’s just what you can do with the Barn to Run Trail Race Series. What began as a single race at the Powisset Farm in Dover in 2015 grew into a second race at Weir River Farm in 2017. And as interest grew even more, the first Chestnut Hill Farm race was held in April 2018. And now Sun Multisport Events is hosting all three races under one series this fall, and you have the option to complete all three or just take to the trails for one.
You’ll get the opportunity to run past scenic farm landscapes and along forest trails. Each one provides an opportunity to learn about and support local farmers. Post-race festivities also include a free complimentary beer from Zelus beer company, awards, and giveaways.
The trail runs include a short, medium, or long distance run option, and if you decide to participate in the entire season you get a 15 percent registration discount, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and a $20 gift card from marathon Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, among other incentives.
Here are the details:
Weir River Farm Trail Run
Race date: September 16
Race distances: 3.4-miles, 6-miles, 9.3 miles
Start time: 8 a.m. for all three races
Chestnut Hill Farm Trail Run
Race date: September 22
Race distances: 3.4-miles, 5-miles
Start time: 9 a.m. for both races
Powisset Farm Trail Run
Race date: October 28
Race distances: 1.5-miles, 3.1-miles, 5.6-miles, 8.3-miles
Start time: 9 a.m. for the 1.5-mile race, 9:20 a.m. for the 5.6 and 8.3-mile races, 9:40 a.m. for the 3.1-mile race
Each farm is a part of the Trustees, a non-profit land conservation organization, and a portion of registration fees will go back to the organization and the farm. A key element: You’ll be able to look at cute farm animals like horses, pigs, and chickens while you run, as well as take home some fresh farmstand fruits, vegetables, and meat, if you so desire.
Registration is now open for all three races. To sign up and for more information: barntorun.com.

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