Brigham and Women’s Hospital Welcomes Newborn Daughter of Slain Surgeon

Photo provided via Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Meet Mikaela Jane Davidson, a healthy baby girl who was born at Brigham and Women’s Hospital on Saturday, April 4. This newborn bundle of cuteness is a welcomed source of joy in the otherwise tragic story of Dr. Michael Davidson, the gifted cardiac surgeon who was murdered at the hospital’s Shapiro Cardiovascular Center on January 20.
“Michael was very much looking forward to the birth of this beautiful baby girl. At a time when my children and I are completely heartbroken over the loss of Michael, we are finding joy in Mikaela’s arrival,” said Mikaela’s mother, Dr. Terri Halperin, in a statement released by Brigham and Women’s. “We have been humbled and touched by the tremendous outpouring of love and support coming from family, friends, patients and all those kind-hearted souls who have been moved by Michael’s senseless death.”
Davidson was shot twice and succumbed to his injuries after hours of emergency surgery. His murderer, 55-year-old Stephen Pasceri of Millbury, took his own life.
Mikaela is the Davidson family’s fourth child. The three other children—Kate, Liv, and Graham—range in age from 10 years to 2 years. Mikaela Jane shares her late father’s initials, MJD.
To support the Davidsons, consider making a donation to the Davidson Family Fund.