December 2009 Issue

Top Doctors 2009

Thanks to our world-class array of hospitals and medical schools, the city is full of cutting-edge physicians and acclaimed researchers.


Trouble in the House of Redstone

Starting with nothing more than a local theater chain and a streak of ambition, the Redstones built a media empire that ultimately would span the globe– then spent years fighting over it. Now the family is engaged in its biggest battle yet, between Sumner Redstone and his enigmatic daughter, Shari. Could this be the final act for one of the greatest business dynasties Boston has ever seen?

Dane Cook Could Use a F#%ing Hug

In the past few years, Dane Cook has been savaged by a band of haters and forced to bury both his parents. Then his own brother was indicted this spring for siphoning $11 million from Cook’s bank account. Now, on the eve of a homecoming Garden show, he talks for the first time about being loathed, being betrayed, and—just maybe—being able to laugh about it all.


The Temple of Tune

An indie rocker with a penchant for secrecy has turned a spooky old Freemason lair into Boston’s best recording studio. Good luck finding it.


The Drinks Are on Them

In dominating the city’s liquor license scene, the law firm of McDermott, Quilty & Miller has lots to celebrate. The rest of us? Not so much.

Running Scared

Martha Coakley has many wonderful qualities. So why doesn’t her Senate campaign 
feature any of them?



Dining Out: Bon Savor

With a big new talent in the kitchen and even bigger flavors on the plate, a sleepy J.P. restaurant finally begins to stir.