February 2010 Issue

Money 2010

In this era of economic anxiety, the question of how your paycheck stacks up looms larger than ever. A shameless accounting of who’s making what — and how they’re spending it.


The Winter Adventure Guide

Just as you’re thinking about hibernating forever, New England is at its outdoorsy best. We’ll help you explore the most beautifully bracing months of the year, whether you’re skating, dogsledding, or coaxing syrup from maples. Ditch the Snuggie and get out there!

A Very Civil War

Thanks to a series of moves late last year by public broadcasting giant WGBH, the Hub is now home to two all-talk public radio stations. Let the battle for the hearts and minds of tweedy, tote bag–loving Bostonians begin.

Top of Mind: Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Harvard professor, public television star, genealogy expert, presidential drinking buddy, 59, Cambridge.


Sextracurricular Activities

When an abstinence club at Harvard got a little too preachy, a student group sprang up to defend a campus activity few thought would ever be imperiled: college kids having sex.

Life of the Party: Giovanni DeCunto

Boston socialites may not be able to name the mysterious stranger who shows up at virtually every high-profile bash in the city—but Tom Cruise can.


Battle of the Condo Buildings

How three of the city’s swankiest properties stack up.

On Location: Inman Square

Inman Square has retained the bohemian feel that’s drawn hippie kids to places like Ryles jazz club since the ’70s.

Arts + Entertainment

Omnivore: Hatfield’s Quiet Farewell?

When indie-rock icon Juliana Hatfield puts out Peace & Love on 2/16, fans will find her usual well-crafted songs but a different approach. Hatfield played every instrument, producing and engineering the album herself in the back room of her Central Square apartment—and at 42, she isn’t sure when, or if, she’ll make another one.

Genius, Explained: Hollywood Endings

With the release of Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane reveals how his novels keep getting made into great movies.

Then & Now: The Combat Zone

A photography exhibit remembers the city’s red-light district, while a new generation of Hub photographers shoots its cleaned-up streets.

Fashion + Style

Old Soles

At Haberdash, the vintage boots are on a roll.

Register: South End Athletic Company

This new boutique puts a city-chic spin on sports gear.

Fashion Masochist: Scarlet Fever

With designer duds coming up roses, Rachel Baker paints the town.


Tastemaking: The Best Chef You’ve Never Heard Of

Culinary underdog Simon Restrepo cooks most toques under the table.

The Ultimate: Molten Chocolate Cake

It may no longer be avant-garde, but molten chocolate cake still perhaps one of the most difficult desserts to pull off.


Dining Out: Market

A quarter century after he first wowed Boston, chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten is back for seconds.

First Bite: Lord Hobo

Cambridge’s burgeoning bar scene welcomes new royalty.


Unsung Hero: Lewis H. Latimer

“His life was fascinating.”