November 2003 Issue


Tough burg, Boston. Traffic's brutal; parking, scarce. The nightclubs are as stingy with their guest lists as the swankiest stores are with invites to their best sales. Long lines everywhere — at the post office, the RMV, the damn doughnut shops —

The Insider's Guide to Logan Airport Parking. If your second cousin twice removed is too cheap to take a cab, wind your way up to […]

Tough burg, Boston. Traffic's brutal; parking, scarce. The nightclubs are as stingy with their guest lists as the swankiest stores are with invites to their best sales. Long lines everywhere — at the post office, the RMV, the damn doughnut shops —

How to Score the Best -Shop-ping Deals Fashion a name for yourself. Neiman Marcus invites only its charge card–holders to its fall “Private Night” promotion; […]

An armored car heist gone south and the biggest museum theft in history combine to expose more dirt on the secretive Boston FBI. Did the feds frame a suspect for a different crime just to make him talk?

As David Turner rode past TRC Auto Electric — a notorious Dorchester hangout of thieves, dealers, and other assorted lowlifes — he had no idea […]

An armored car heist gone south and the biggest museum theft in history combine to expose more dirt on the secretive Boston FBI. Did the feds frame a suspect for a different crime just to make him talk?

Prosecutors later tried to use those words to prove that Turner had taken part in schemes like this before — and so wouldn't have blinked […]

Roger Marino founded a high-tech behemoth and retired to luxury, fortune, and boredom. So what's a multimillionaire from Revere to do? Buy hockey teams. Bankroll Hollywood movies. And go Broadway with the dazzling Bernadette Peters.

The limousines won't spill their pampered contents for another two hours, but a battery of cameras has already begun its siege. It's late afternoon in […]

Roger Marino founded a high-tech behemoth and retired to luxury, fortune, and boredom. So what's a multimillionaire from Revere to do? Buy hockey teams. Bankroll Hollywood movies. And go Broadway with the dazzling Bernadette Peters.

Idleness is truly wasted on the rich. Perhaps it's an adrenal memory that wakes them up, hands clenched white on their cell phones, at the […]

The city's new restaurant row covers almost every link of the food chain: national conglomerates and local haute cuisine, with humble hosts and big-name pomp, serving city dwellers and tourists alike. But can you get a good meal there? The tourists f

I do, however, have a Frida Kahlo, a luscious potable teeming with sweet-tart blackberry pulp, which is distraction enough from the visual reminders everywhere of […]

Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey claims that Boston has nothing in common with the rest of the nation. He's right.

Last fall — not long after Boston was chosen as the site of the 2004 Democratic National Convention — Dick Armey had breakfast with a […]


Rioja is the only wine region on the planet that ages its wines perfectly before it sells them to you. And at a great price.

My friend Peter recently mailed me a printout of the contents of his wine cellar, amounting to several thousand bottles of wine, and asked if […]